There are 68 contra dance moves defined in version 1.1:

Ladies Chain (8 steps)
Ladies Chain (8 steps)
Right and Left Through (8 steps)
Right and Left Through (8 steps)
Half-Promenade Across (8 steps)
Half-Promenade Across (8 steps)
Half a Hey (8 steps)
Half a Hey (8 steps)
Hey for Four (16 steps)
Down the Hall in Lines of Four and
Turn as a Couple and Come Back to Place (16 steps)
Down the Hall in Lines of Four and
Turn Alone and Come Back to Place (16 steps)
Pass Thru up and down the line (4 steps)
Men pass Left across set (4 steps)
Men pass Right across set (4 steps)
Women pass Left across set (4 steps)
Women pass Right across set (4 steps)
Swing your Partner (8 steps)
Swing your Partner (12 counts) (12 steps)
Balance and Swing Partner (16 steps)
Circle Left three places (8 steps)
Balance the circle (4 steps)
Box the Gnat with your Partner (4 steps)
Box the Gnat with your Neighbor (4 steps)
Balance and Box the Gnat with your Partner (8 steps)
Balance and Box the Gnat with your Neighbor (8 steps)
California Twirl Partner (4 steps)
Swing your Neighbor (8 steps)
Swing your Neighbor (12 counts) (12 steps)
Balance and Swing Neighbor (16 steps)
Circle Left (all the way) (8 steps)
Long Lines Forward and Back (8 steps)
Circle Right (all the way) (8 steps)
Left-Hand Star (all the way) (8 steps)
Left-Hand Star three places (8 steps)
Right-Hand Star (all the way) (8 steps)
Right-Hand Star three places (8 steps)
Allemande Partner Left (once around) (4 steps)
Allemande Partner Right (once around) (4 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Left (once around) (4 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Right (once around) (4 steps)
Allemande Partner Left Halfway (4 steps)
Allemande Partner Right Halfway (4 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Left Halfway (4 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Right Halfway (4 steps)
Allemande Partner Left Once and a Half (8 steps)
Allemande Partner Right Once and a Half (8 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Left Once and a Half (8 steps)
Allemande Neighbor Right Once and a Half (8 steps)
Men Allemande Left (once around) (4 steps)
Men Allemande Right (once around) (4 steps)
Men Allemande Left Halfway (4 steps)
Men Allemande Right Halfway (4 steps)
Men Allemande Left Once and a Half (8 steps)
Men Allemande Right Once and a Half (8 steps)
Women Allemande Left (once around) (4 steps)
Women Allemande Right (once around) (4 steps)
Women Allemande Left Halfway (4 steps)
Women Allemande Right Halfway (4 steps)
Women Allemande Left Once and a Half (8 steps)
Women Allemande Right Once and a Half (8 steps)
Do-si-do your Partner (8 steps)
Do-si-do your Partner Once and a Half (8 steps)
Do-si-do your Neighbor (8 steps)
Do-si-do your Neighbor Once and a Half (8 steps)
Men Do-si-do (8 steps)
Men Do-si-do Once and a Half (8 steps)
Women Do-si-do (8 steps)
Women Do-si-do Once and a Half (8 steps)

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Bob Frederking,