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Wilderness: Jula

Language Name: Jula
TLC: dyu

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 8.43
#utts aligned: 8045
Duration: 13:45:09

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 6.96

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: DYUWYI.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=6.96)

Input Text: MATIYO
Pronunciation:  pau m A t i j o pau
Input Text: Yesu Kirisita ta buruju ye nin ye.
Pronunciation:  pau j e s u k i r i s i t A t A b u r u dZ u j e n i n j e pau
Input Text: Yesu bɔra Dawuda ta duruja ra, Dawuda bɔra Iburahima ta duruja ra.
Pronunciation:  pau j e s u b x007p r A d A w u d A t A d u r u dZ A r A pau d A w u d A b x007p r A i b u r A h i m A t A d u r u dZ A r A pau
Input Text: Iburahima tun ye Isiyaka facɛ ye.
Pronunciation:  pau i b u r A h i m A t u n j e i s i j A k A f A ch x008p j e pau
Input Text: Isiyaka tun ye Yakuba facɛ ye.
Pronunciation:  pau i s i j A k A t u n j e j A k u b A f A ch x008p j e pau
Input Text: Yakuba tun ye Zuda facɛ ye, ani Zuda balemacɛ tɔw.
Pronunciation:  pau j A k u b A t u n j e z u d A f A ch x008p j e pau A n i z u d A b A l e m A ch x008p t x007p w pau
Input Text: Zuda tun ye Perɛsi ni Zara facɛ ye.
Pronunciation:  pau z u d A t u n j e p e r x008p s i n i z A r A f A ch x008p j e pau
Input Text: O bamuso tɔgɔ tun ye ko Tamari.
Pronunciation:  pau o b A m u s o t x007p g x007p t u n j e k o t A m A r i pau
Input Text: Perɛsi tun ye Esiromu facɛ ye.
Pronunciation:  pau p e r x008p s i t u n j e e s i r o m u f A ch x008p j e pau
Input Text: Esiromu tun ye Aramu facɛ ye.
Pronunciation:  pau e s i r o m u t u n j e A r A m u f A ch x008p j e pau

Alignment examples

Text: Yesu Kirisita ta buruju ye nin ye.
Aligned to: 
Text: Yesu bɔra Dawuda ta duruja ra, Dawuda bɔra Iburahima ta duruja ra.
Aligned to: 
Text: Isiyaka tun ye Yakuba facɛ ye.
Aligned to: 
Text: Yakuba tun ye Zuda facɛ ye, ani Zuda balemacɛ tɔw.
Aligned to: 
Text: Zuda tun ye Perɛsi ni Zara facɛ ye.
Aligned to: 
Text: O bamuso tɔgɔ tun ye ko Tamari.
Aligned to: 
Text: Perɛsi tun ye Esiromu facɛ ye.
Aligned to: 
Text: Aramu tun ye Aminadabu facɛ ye.
Aligned to: 
Text: Aminadabu tun ye Naasun facɛ ye.
Aligned to: