#!/home/awb/projects/1.4.1/festival/bin/festival --script ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-*-mode:scheme-*- ;;; ;; ;;; Alan W Black and Kevin Lenzo ;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1998 ;; ;;; All Rights Reserved. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and licence this software and its ;; ;;; documentation for any purpose, is hereby granted without fee, ;; ;;; subject to the following conditions: ;; ;;; 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ;; ;;; conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;;; 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. ;; ;;; 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; THE AUTHORS OF THIS WORK DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO ;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ;; ;;; AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; ;;; SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ;; ;;; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ;; ;;; AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ;; ;;; ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; This file is part "Building Voices in the Festival Speech ;; ;;; Synthesis System" by Alan W Black and Kevin Lenzo written at ;; ;;; Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, fall 98 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; Builds a diphone index from a diphone list and a set label files ;; ;;; ;; ;;; Essentially copied from a awk script that did the same thing ;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Because this is a --script type file it has to explicitly ;;; load the initfiles: init.scm and user's .festivalrc (if (not (symbol-bound? 'caar)) (begin (load (path-append libdir "init.scm")) (if (probe_file (format nil "%s/.festivalrc" (getenv "HOME"))) (load (format nil "%s/.festivalrc" (getenv "HOME")))))) (define (make_diph_index_help) (format t "%s\n" "make_diph_index [options] diphlist dic/diphdic.est Build a diphone index from a diphone list and set of label files Options -eval Load in scheme file with run specific code, if file name starts with a left parent the string itself is interpreted. This can be used to select the appropriate phoneset. -lab_dir Directory containing the label files (default \"lab/\") -lab_ext File extention for label files (default \".lab\") ") (quit)) (defvar diphlist_file "diphlist") (defvar diphindex_file "dic/diphdic.est") (defvar lab_dir "lab/") (defvar lab_ext ".lab") (defvar diphindex nil) ;;; Get options (define (get_options) (let ((files nil) (o argv)) (if (or (member_string "-h" argv) (member_string "-help" argv) (member_string "--help" argv) (member_string "-?" argv)) (make_diph_index_help)) (while o (begin (cond ((string-equal "-eval" (car o)) (if (not (cdr o)) (dumpfeats_error "no file specified to load")) (if (string-matches (car (cdr o)) "^(.*") (eval (read-from-string (car (cdr o)))) (load (car (cdr o)))) (set! o (cdr o))) ((string-equal "-lab_dir" (car o)) (if (not (cdr o)) (make_utts_error "no lab_dir file specified")) (set! lab_dir (car (cdr o))) (set! o (cdr o))) ((string-equal "-lab_ext" (car o)) (if (not (cdr o)) (make_utts_error "no lab_ext file specified")) (set! lab_ext (car (cdr o))) (set! o (cdr o))) (t (set! files (cons (car o) files)))) (set! o (cdr o)))) (if (not (equal? 2 (length files))) (make_diph_index_help)) (set! diphlist_file (car (cdr files))) (set! diphindex_file (car files)) )) (define (make_diph_index_error message) (format stderr "%s: %s\n" "make_diph_index" message) (make_diph_index_help)) (define (find_diphone_boundaries fname diph) "(find_diphone_boundaries fname diph) Find diph in labelfile fname and return index entry." (let ((utt (Utterance Text "")) (left (string-before diph "-")) (right (string-after diph "-")) (startp 0) (midp 0) (lp 0)) (if (string-matches left "_.*") (set! left (string-after left "_"))) (if (string-matches left ".*_") (set! left (string-before left "_"))) (if (string-matches left ".*\\$") (set! left (string-before left "$"))) (if (string-matches right "_.*") (set! right (string-after right "_"))) (if (string-matches right "\\$.*") (set! right (string-after right "$"))) (utt.relation.load utt 'Segment (string-append lab_dir "/" fname lab_ext)) (set! segs (utt.relation.items utt 'Segment)) (set! diphinfo nil) (while (and segs (not diphinfo)) ;; iterate through the segments to find the match ;; for the desired diphone ; (format t "%s %s %s %f\n" fname diph ; (item.name (car segs)) ; (item.feat (car segs) "end")) (cond ((string-equal (item.name (car segs)) "DB") ;; explciit diphone boundary marker (set! endp (item.feat (car segs) "end")) (set! segs (cdr segs))) ((string-matches (item.name (car segs)) ".cl") ;; closure so break is in the closed bit (set! endp (/ (+ midp (item.feat (car segs) "end")) 2.0)) (set! segs (cdr segs))) ((string-matches (item.name (car segs)) "[tdpdkg]") ;; rather specific check for stop (without closure) (set! endp (+ midp (/ (- (item.feat (car segs) "end") midp) 3.0)))) (t (set! endp (/ (+ midp (item.feat (car segs) "end")) 2.0)))) (if (car segs) (begin (if (and (string-equal lp left) (string-equal (item.name (car segs)) right)) (set! diphinfo (list diph fname startp midp endp))) (set! startp endp) (set! midp (item.feat (car segs) "end")) (set! lp (item.name (car segs))) (set! segs (cdr segs))))) (if (not diphinfo) (set! diphinfo (list diph fname 0 0 0))) (format t "%l\n" diphinfo) diphinfo)) (define (make_diph_index_main) (get_options) (let ((dlist (fopen diphlist_file "r")) (dout (fopen diphindex_file "w"))) (if (not dlist) (make_dip_index_error (format nil "can't open diphone list input file \"%s\"" diphlist_file))) (if (not dout) (make_dip_index_error (format nil "can't open diphone index output file \"%s\"" diphindex_file))) (while (not (equal? (set! fname (readfp dlist)) (eof-val))) ;; may be a diphone or list of diphones (if (consp fname) (let ((t1 fname)) (set! fname (car t1)) (set! diphs (cadr t1)) (set! phones (car (cdr (cdr t1))))) (begin (set! diphs (readfp dlist)) (set! phones (readfp dlist)) ;; phones )) (if (not (consp diphs)) (set! diphs (list diphs))) (set! diphindex (append (mapcar (lambda (d) (find_diphone_boundaries fname ;; the label fname d ;; the diphone name itself )) diphs) diphindex))) (format dout "EST_File index\n") (format dout "DataType ascii\n") (format dout "NumEntries %d\n" (length diphindex)) (format dout "EST_Header_End\n") (mapcar (lambda (a) (format dout "%s %s %s %s %s\n" (nth 0 a) ; diphone (nth 1 a) ; file (nth 2 a) ; start (nth 3 a) ; mid (nth 4 a) ; end )) diphindex) (fclose dout) (fclose dlist) )) (make_diph_index_main)