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11 Evaluation

Now that you have built your voice, how can you tell if it works, and how can you find out what you need to make it better. This chapter deals with some issues of evaluating a voice in Festival. Some of the points here also apply to testing and improving existing voices too.

The evaluation of speech synthesis is notoriously hard. Evaluation in speech recognition was the major factor in making general speech recognition work. Rigourous tests of well defined data made the evaluation of different techniques possible. Though in spite of its success the strict evaluation criteria as used in speech recognition can cloud the ultimate goal. It is important always to remember that tests are they to evaluate a systems performance rather than become the task itself. Just as techniques can overtrain on data it is possible to over train on the test data too thus loosing the generality and purpose of the evaluation.

In speech recongition a simple (though naive) measure of phones or words correct gives a reasonable indicator of how well a speech recognition system works. In synthesis this a lot harder. A word can have multiple pronunciations, so it is much harder to autmatically test if a synthesizer's phoneme accuracy, besides much of the quality is not just in if it is corretc but if its sounds good. This is effectly the cruz of the matter. The only really synthesis evaluation technique is having a human listen to the result. Humans individually are not very reliably testers of systems, but humans in general are. However it is usually not feasible to have testers listen to large amounts of synthetic speech and return a general goodness score. More specific tests are required.

Although listening tests are the ultimate because they are expensive in resources (undergraduates are not willing to listing to bad synthesis all day for free), and the design of listening tests is a non-trivial task, there are a number of more general tests which can be run at less expenses and can help greatly.

It is common that a new voice in Festival (or any other speech synthesis systems), has limitations and it is wise to test what the limitations are and decide if such limitations are acceptable or not. This depends a lot on what you wish to use your voice for. For example if the voice a Scottish English voice to be primarily used as the output of a Chinese speech tranlation system, the vocabulary is constained by the translation system itself so a large lexicon is probabaly not much of an issue, but the vocabulary will include many anglosized (calenodianized ?) versions of Chinese names, which are not common in standard English so letter to sound rules should be made more sensitive for that input. If the system is to be used to read address lists, it should be able to tokenize names and address appropriately, and if it is to be used in a dialogue system the intonation model should be able to deal with questions and continuations properly. Optimizing your voices for the most common task, and minimizing the errors is what evaluation is for.

11.1 Does it work at all?

It is very easy to build a voice and get it to say a few phrases and think that the job is done. As you build the voice it is worth testing each part as you built it to ensure it basically performs as expected. But once its all together more general tests are needed.

Try to find around 100-500 sentences to play through it. Its amazing home many general problems are thrown up when you extend your test set. The next stage is to play so real text. That may be news text from the web, output from your speech translation system, or some email. Initially it is worth just synthesizing the whole set without even listening to it. Problems in analysis and missing diphones etc may be shown up just in the processing of the text. Then you want to listen to the output and identify problems. This make take some amoutn of investogation. What you want to do is identify where the problem is, is it bad tex analysis, bad lexical entry, a prosody problem, or a waveform synthesis problem. You may need to synthesizes parts of the text in isolation (e.g. using the Festival function SayText and look at the structure of the utterance generated, e.g. using the function utt.features. FOr example to see what words have been identified from the text analysis

(utt.features utt1 'Word '(name))

Or to see the phones generated

(utt.features utt1 'Segment '(name))

Thus you can view selected parts of an utterance and find out if it is being created as you intended. For some things a graphical display of the utterance may help. The display system Fringe has support for this.

Once you identify where the problem is you need to decide how to fix it (or if it is worth fixing). Adding new entries to the lexicon can be a simple fix but there will always be things missing. A systematic study of missing parts of the lexicon is more worthwhile than trying to individually fix every bad pronunciation. For English we used Festival to analysis some very large text databases to find out which words are not in the lexicon. Then we looked at the distribution of the unknown words and then check the most frequent against the letter to sound rules and those which were proounced wrongly were added to the lexicon explicitly. This technique helps to fill genuine gaps in the lexicon but such tests will always be biased to the types of data used for the tests.

In our English checks we used Wall Street Journal and Time magazine articles (around 10 millions words in total). Many unusual words apear only in one article (e.g proper names) which are less important to add to the lexicon, but unusual words that appear across articales are more likely to appear again so should be added.

Be aware that using data will cause your coverage to be biased towards that type of data. Our databases are mostly collected in the early 90s and hence have good coverage for the Gulf War, and the changes in Eastern Europe but our ten million words have no occurences of the words `Sojourner' or `Lewinski' whcih only appear in stories later in the decade.

A script is provided in `src/general/find_unknowns' which will analyze given text to find which words do not appear in the current lexicon. You should use the -eval option to specify the selection of your voice. Note this checks to see which words are not in the lexicon itself, it replaces what ever letter to sound/ unknown word function you specified and saves any words for which that function is called in the given output file. For example

find_unknowns -eval "(voice_ked_diphone)" -output cmudict.unknown \

Normally you would run this over your database then cummulate the unknown words, then rerun the unknown words synthesizing each and listening to them to evaluate if your LTS system produces reasonable results. Fur those words which do have acceptable pronunciations add them to your lexicon.

11.2 Sematically unpredictable sentences

One technique that has been used to evaluation speech synthesis quality is testing against semantically unpredictable sentences.

Discussion to be added 

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